Electricity Mod

Adds some new electricity items to the game!


Version 2.3.0LatestOutdated
  • Updated to .rmod

Released on 2020-08-09

Version 2.2Untested
  • Tested on latest version
  • Fixed a bug where the engine patching conflicted with MoreSailsMoreSpeed
  • Updated to version 2.2

Released on 2020-01-21

Version 2.1Untested
  • Tested on latest mod loader.
  • Electric grill consumes less power
  • Changed electric grill and electric engine to not have an internal buffer due to people not understanding what it is
  • Updated version to 2.1

Released on 2020-01-12

Version 2.0Untested
  • Fixed electric grill not syncing in multiplayer
  • Fixed electric engine not syncing in multiplayer
  • Fixed version mismatch
  • Thanks Marvin and Bloodsinister for helping me fix these issues! Much appreciated
  • Updated version to 2.0

Released on 2020-01-10

Version 1.9Untested
  • Fixed motors not rotating wheels in proper direction
  • Fixed electric grill not syncing battery in multiplayer
  • Updated version to 2.0

Released on 2020-01-10

Version 1.7Untested
  • Remade electric grill to work better and have proper models (Not testing in MP but should work)
  • Updated version to 1.7

Released on 2020-01-09

Version 1.6Untested
  • Fixed electric grill and windmill throwing errors
  • Updated version to 1.6

Released on 2020-01-08

Version 1.5Untested
  • Fixed batteries not syncing for players who join late
  • Removed Electric Conductor
  • Added Electric Engine (Not tested in MP yet.)
  • Updated Version to v1.5

Released on 2020-01-08

Version 1.4Untested
  • Fixed mod versioning
  • Removed unused code

Released on 2020-01-06

Version 1.3Untested
  • Fixed item icons being blank

  • Fixed console logs

  • Added Electric Conductor

Released on 2020-01-05

Version v1.2Untested

This is the first version.

Released on 2020-01-04