Custom Tool Speed

Customize how fast your tools are.


Version 1.1.3LatestUntested
  • fix mod to work with Raft update 13

Released on 2021-11-01

Version 1.1.2Outdated

Released on 2020-08-17

Version 1.1.1Untested
  • The tool speed is now saved when you leave the game. Load the mod again and it will be restored.
  • Added a check for negative tool speeds.

Released on 2019-09-28

Version 1.1.0Untested
  • The tool speed now also affects how many punches is takes for chopping down a tree
  • Fixed update URL

Released on 2019-09-28

Version 1.0.0Untested

This is the first version.

Released on 2019-09-27