Custom Islands

Allows you to create and spawn your own custom islands in-game


banner for the Custom Islands mod

Since the Final Chapter is out we know that we won't get any new story content in the game. That's why we made it as our goal to extend the Story! We want add new destinations and islands to the game! At the moment we are just 2 people. Me @FranzFischer#6710 the coder and @MegaMatrixs#7022 the designer. We only have one demo island you can get currently, but we promise that we will very soon give you a completely new Raft experience with lots of new custom islands. But we won't give you only our custom islands but you can make your own too (see the i am a creator section)!


You can get the demo island from our github repository and the racetrack from a google drive url

How to install a custom island:

The file you will download will be a .assets file. To install it go to your Raft mods folder and create a folder named "DynamicIslands" (without the quotation marks). The folder might already exist. Then simply paste the file in that folder. We will implement a feature to automate the installation process in the future ;)

How to spawn a custom island:

Custom islands are not integrated in the story yet and can only be spawned through the following command by the host:

SpawnCustomLandmark nameofthecustomisland

The name of the custom island is the name of the .assets file. If you have myisland.assets the name of the custom island will be myisland

The mod is multiplayer compatible but the island will only be there for connected clients that were in-game when the island was spawned.

**IMPORTANT: **The island will NOT persist through savegames! Also the Raft might ignore the collision with the island as well as animals and items.

This is not the final way it works. This is an early alpha. We will completely redo the system so it is integrated into Raft's island spawning system!


If you are a creator and want to create your own islands feel free to join our discord server. We will provide a dedicated set of tools and a lot useful documentation.


  • @FranzFischer#6710 on Discord
  • @MegaMatrixs#7022 on Discord


Feel free to support me on ko-fi :)



  • @Razul Darkwood who created these awesome banners and icons for our mod :)
  • @Aidanamite for coding help
  • @JoeBuddy and all the creators on the discord who helped with testing

Our Discord server

Description last changed on 2024-05-13