Solar Panel

Allows you to recharge your batteries during daytime!


Version 1.5.0LatestUp to date
  • Mod Fixed, working again. (Unofficial fix)

Released on 2023-06-10

Version 1.4.1Outdated
  • The mod now requires every player on the server to have it.

Released on 2021-02-02

Version 1.4Untested
  • Updated to .rmod

Released on 2020-08-06

Version 1.3Untested
  • Fixed Battery Saving
  • Added Multiplayer Compatibility.

Released on 2020-05-28

Version 1.2Untested
  • Added a message when no battery.
  • Fixed a collision issue where you would have to be really close in order to place the battery.
  • Fixed an FPS drop when you was looking at the solar panel.
  • Added a percentage to show the battery percentage instead of Uses/MaxUses

Released on 2019-09-25

Version 1.1Untested
  • Fixed crafting in survival mode.

Released on 2019-09-23

Version 1.0Untested

This is the first version.

Released on 2019-09-23