Cinema Mod

Adds screens into Raft! You can watch Youtube videos, Soon twitch streams. It has custom sounds, custom blocks, custom items and way more!


Version 3.0.2LatestUp to date
  • Temporary fix by FranzFischer

Released on 2024-06-17

Version 3.0.1Up to date
  • Updated the library.

Released on 2023-05-03

Version 3.0.0Up to date
  • Improved some networking parts of the code.
  • Improved Raft Dedicated Server support.

Released on 2023-01-28

Version 2.1.2Up to date
  • Fixed youtube again, Thanks to Michiyo. A new update is in progress with new content but the youtube API is really annoying.

    Just saying so you are aware of it, The youtube video feature WILL break in the near or far future.

Released on 2022-07-07

Version 2.1.1Up to date
  • Fix for Raft Final Chapter. (Youtube still not fixed, use URL)

Released on 2022-06-20

Version 2.1.0Untested
  • Thanks to fynikoto, the mod now works again and does not depends on our servers anymore! It now requests the video through your computer exactly like if you were to watch a normal youtube video! Enjoy watching raft gameplay on your raft!

Released on 2021-02-05

Version 2.0.1Untested
  • The mod now requires every player on the server to have it.

Released on 2021-02-02

Version 2.0Untested
  • Fixed the CinemaMod Servers.

Released on 2020-12-07

Version 1.9Untested
  • Updated to .rmod

Released on 2020-08-06

Version 1.8Untested
  • Fixed an issue with the server fallback system.

Released on 2020-07-28

Version 1.7Untested
  • Added a fallback through 7 different servers to prevent youtube bans.
  • Added a final fallback from your internet.
  • Modified notifications.
  • Fixed an error in the console displaying sometimes.

Released on 2020-07-09

Version 1.6Untested
  • Temporarily switched server to request youtube videos.

Released on 2020-07-05

Version 1.5Untested
  • Fixed "Invalid Youtube Data #2" almost all videos will work now. Thanks to Fynikoto.

Released on 2020-06-06

Version 1.4Untested
  • Fixed a bug where some videos doesn't had sound.
  • Removed debug lines.
  • Updated Raft Version number to Update 11

Released on 2020-04-07

Version 1.3Untested
  • Updated Youtube Service to work with the latest youtube version.
  • Youtube Videos Now Works Again!

Released on 2020-04-07

Version 1.2Untested
  • Added a new Desktop Computer Monitor/Screen.
  • You can now place all Smart TV's on a wall.
  • Added compatibility for the future FurnitureMod!
  • Fixed some issues with the laptop screen.

Released on 2020-02-19

Version 1.1Untested
  • Fixed an error that were destroying the menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the network sync.
  • Fixed an issue with the remote.
  • Fixed an error in the main menu after leaving a world.

Released on 2020-02-18

Version 1.0Untested

This is the first version.

Released on 2020-02-12