Misc Cheats

Adds a bunch of little cheat settings


Version 1.3.0LatestUp to date
  • Added options for speeding up shoveling of both dirt mounds and treasure spots
  • Added an option to increase max stacksize to the highest possible value

Released on 2024-06-10

Version 1.2.2Up to date
  • Fixed picking up arrows being multiplied by the loot multiplier
  • Fixed some animal loot not being multiplied by the loot multiplier

Released on 2023-08-08

Version 1.2.1Up to date
  • Reorganized the settings into sections
  • Added 8 new options:
    • Brick dry time
    • Animal resource production time
    • Learn all recipes
    • Research all items
    • Discover all blueprints
    • Unlearn all recipes
    • Unresearch all items
    • Forget all blueprints

Released on 2023-07-11

Version 1.2.0Up to date

Added 6 new options:

  • Axe-on-Block Durability Loss
  • Axe is a Weapon
  • Electric Zipline Acceleration Multiplier
  • Electric Zipline Max Speed Multiplier
  • Trade Posts Sell Blueprints
  • Timeless Heart Stew

Released on 2023-06-26

Version 1.1.14Up to date
  • Fixed a bug with the forced mining cheat

Released on 2023-06-26

Version 1.1.13Up to date
  • Fixed an incompatibility with mods that remove glass from the honey jar crafting recipe

Released on 2023-06-25

Version 1.1.12Up to date
  • Fixed a bug preventing the seagulls from ignoring flowers

Released on 2023-06-06

Version 1.1.11Up to date
  • Fixed an error with the last update
  • Added an option that allows the console to opened while the game is paused

Released on 2023-06-05

Version 1.1.10Up to date
  • Added options: Seagull Attack Prevention, Min/Max Foundations For Shark Attack, Disable Scarecrow Damage, FOV Override, Time Speed

Released on 2023-06-04

Version 1.1.8Up to date
  • Added an option for Mining Time Multiplier
  • Added an option to allow mining with the hook while on land

Released on 2023-06-03

Version 1.1.6Up to date
  • Added an option to automatically open doors in front of you and re-close them behind you

Released on 2023-05-30

Version 1.1.5Up to date
  • Fixed the errors with the latest version of RML

Released on 2023-05-30

Version 1.1.4Up to date
  • Added an option to change the cooking tables' collection item requirement. You can either disable the need for bowls and cups or simply allow it to use one from anywhere in your inventory
  • Added an option to adjust the player's max use/interaction distance
  • Added an option to make items like those cooked in pots and juicers to return their bowls and cups, as well as getting glass back from using honey jars. This can also be expanded to allow cooking pots and juicers to leave items on the table when using them like milk buckets leaving an empty bucket behind (Read mod page for some multiplayer usage details on this aspect)

Released on 2023-05-17

Version 1.1.0Up to date
  • Added new cheats:
    • Keep Inventory on Respawn
    • Receiver Works Anywhere
    • Antenna Works Anywhere
    • Battery Capacity Multiplier
    • Equipment Durability Multiplier
    • Tool Durability Multiplier
    • Food Uses Multiplier
    • Collection Net Capacity Multiplier
    • Allow Smelting Bolts and Hinges
    • Sprinkler Radius Multiplier
    • Sprinkler Max Vertical Distance Multiplier

Released on 2022-08-03

Version 1.0.0Up to date

This is the first version.

Released on 2022-07-23